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Andreya's Asylum

Insanity, horror and dark fiction are my catharsis. Brutally honest reviews are on the house.


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Review of Burial Ground by Michael McBride

Burial Ground - Michael McBride

The son of a wealthy treasure hunter (not so ironically named Hunter) turns up dead (murdered) in the Peruvian jungle and the team that accompanied him is still missing. Found in Hunter's backpack is an odd assortment of things that all point to the very real possibility that he had stumbled upon an ancient burial site shortly before his untimely demise. The anguish, drive for revenge, and possibility of undiscovered treasure is more than enough reason for his father, Leo Gearhardt, to assemble his own expedition to re-trace his sons tracks through the Andes Mountains.


Unfortunately, Leo isn't he only one who is aware of the contents in Hunter's backpack or the implications that they carry. However, competition for the prospect of treasure may be the least of their concerns. Something is out there. Something that Leo's guides call a demon and that has the capability of obliterating its prey--and it doesn't appear to discriminate as to what that prey is... In one of the few places in the world that has yet to be tamed (and pilfered), the question is whether Leo will find the answers to both his son's death and a lost civilization, or will he and the rest of his team meet the same fate as Hunter in the jungle of Peru?


Another great story from Michael McBride. Reminiscent of his book Fearful Symmetry (or is it the other way around?), Mike takes you deep into the unknown and shows you the things you never wanted to know that lurk out there.



© 2015 by Andi Rawson of Andreya's Asylum