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Andreya's Asylum

Insanity, horror and dark fiction are my catharsis. Brutally honest reviews are on the house.


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Review of Obscura by Joe Hart

Obscura - Joe Hart

This book. This book is worth the hype. All of it. I had no clue what it was about going into it, which as someone who has read way too many reviews that give away the entire premise, I considered a win. I like Joe Hart, possibly because I may have confused one of his books with Joe Hill when I bought it, and liked it anyway. I knew that he could write with The Exorcism of Sara May. I've realized that he is on my must-read list after this.

Obscura hits all of the right notes in all of the right areas, which is a real diamond amongst books. Most books are somewhere on the Goldilocks spectrum: too long, too short, lacking, over-doing, etc. This one is perfect in almost every way. Yep, I said it.


I received an ARC of this from NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer in exchange for an honest review. Now I just need a signed/limited edition of this. Please?


© 2018 by Andi Rawson of Andreya's Asylum