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Andreya's Asylum

Insanity, horror and dark fiction are my catharsis. Brutally honest reviews are on the house.


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Review of Skullface Boy by Chad Lutzke

Skullface Boy - Chad Lutzke

So, I'm going to start this off with saying that I really am not fond of "coming of age" stories. I realize this is an unpopular opinion and no, I don't want to read McCammon's A Boy's Life either. You can argue with me all you want, I don't care for them. This is one of them, which I wasn't expecting, so I can't claim complete unbias here.


I thought it was a cute story. The characters were well-developed and memorable. The writing is solid and doesn't leave you hanging. I didn't dislike this, I just can't say, like everyone else, that I'm in love with it.


This was the first book I've ever read by Chad Lutzke and definitely will not be the last, as I have several lined up that I will read as soon as I have time to get to them. This guy can write and everyone else I know gave it 5 stars, so you should probably read this one too.


I received an e-copy of this book directly from the author in exchange for an honest review.


@2018 by Andi Rawson of Andreya's Asylum